
Since 1981, the Siouan and Caddoan Languages Conference (SCLC) has been an annual gathering of linguists, anthropologists, educators, and scholars, and other researchers to promote and advance the study and teaching of the Siouan and Caddoan language families. This year, SCLC will be hosted virtually via Zoom from Monday, June 2 to Tuesday, June 3.

The conference is co-organized by Edwin Ko (Yale University) and Tim McCleary (Little Bighorn College).

We invite you to attend the 45th Siouan and Caddoan Languages Conference at the Little Bighorn College in Crow Agency, Montana. If you wish to attend the conference in person or virtually or have any questions, please write to Edwin Ko at edwin.ko@yale.edu.

Call for paper

The Siouan and Caddoan Languages Conference (SCLC) is an annual gathering of linguists, anthropologists, indigenous educators and scholars, and other researchers to promote the study of the Siouan and Caddoan language families. We welcome papers and panels dealing with the study of these languages, but we frequently hear other papers dealing with the intersection of another field and these or related languages. Some of these other fields include, but are not limited to, anthropology, archaeology, art, ethnography, ethnobotany, folklore, history, language education, linguistics, music, Native studies, sociology, and traditional beliefs. We encourage workshops on teaching methods and pedagogical practices from language communities as well.

The (soft) deadline for abstract and workshop proposal submissions is May 4th, 2025. Submissions in any format can be sent to edwin.ko@yale.edu.


The Crow Indian Reservation area has only a few places to stay. The location of the Little Big Horn College is a 20-minutes drive from the closest town, Hardin, that has a limited variety of lodgings. The organizers have reserved eight rooms at the Homestead Inn and Suits in Hardin at a discounted rate of approximately $140 on a first-come-first-serve basis. There are also other lodging options in Hardin, including Lariat Motel and Hardin Lodge. Those who prefer camping can check out KOA Campgrounds and Grandview Campground.

Please reach out to Edwin Ko if you are interested in staying at Homestead Inn and Suits.

Conference Program

TBD. There will be catered breakfast and lunch, and an optional tour to the Little Bighorn Battlefield.