Unangam Tunuu Online Talking Dictionary

English to Unangam Tunuu

Unangam Tunuu to English


About the dictionary

The Online Talking Dictionary contains words from the Unangam Tunuu (or Aleut) language. Each dictionary entry contains a sound file of the word, and the speaker's name and the dialect beside the sound file. For more information on the language, click here. There are currently 46 entries in the dictionary. The photo displayed above is of the abandoned church on Adak Island, part of the Aleutian islands in Alaska, which was taken by Paxson Woebler and available on Wikimedia Commons.

How to use

There are two ways to look for words in the dictionary. You can select a letter (A-Z) category which shows all the English words that begin with that letter, or you can enter a word in the search bar and click submit. If this is your first time using the dictionary, you may want to select a letter category because that will give you some idea of the range of words currently in the dictionary.

You can also select an Unangam Tunuu letter (A/HA/AA/HAA-Y/HY) category which shows all the Unangam words in the dictionary beginning with the word. Similarly, you can also search for the Unangam Tunuu word via the search bar after selecting the 'Unangam Tunuu' option on the left of the search bar.

If you enter a word in the search bar, and no results are found, you will be provided with several suggestions. Please note that this dictionary is currently still under development so you may want to start by exploring the letter categories rather than the search bar. Note that in order to display all entries in the dictionary, simply click 'Submit' without entering anything into the search bar.

About the materials

These materials include voice recordings of Moses Dirsk, [insert here], native speakers of Unangam Tunuu. These materials would not exist without their patience, dedication, and hard work. The recordings were made by Audrey Richardson, [insert people involved in the collection of the data here]. This talking dictionary has been made possible by the diligence of Audrey Richardson and Edwin Ko. This material may not be sold and no charges may be made for its use.

For more information regarding the phrasicon or questions, comments and feedback or if you would like to volunteer and contribute to the development of the talking dictionary, please contact us!

Word of the Day: March 14, 2025
